Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD | Psychology Today


Here’s an interesting blog post from Psychology Today on ADHD. I’m not sure I agree with all the conclusions in the post but there is definitely something to be said for the French approach.

One of the most significant differences is the approach to treatment, with medication being the preferred method in the United States. I believe we could make significant progress if we would combine or perhaps even use behavioral interventions as a front-line approach.

Another significant factor is in viewing the problem as “psycho-social” in nature as opposed to a strictly medical or biological view.

Here’s the introduction to the article, as well as a link to the original.

Suffer the Children

The case against labeling and medicating children, and effective alternatives for treating them

by Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D.

Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD

French children don’t need medications to control their behavior.

Published on March 8, 2012 by Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D. in Suffer the Children

In the United States, at least 9% of school-aged children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and are taking pharmaceutical medications. In France, the percentage of kids diagnosed and medicated for ADHD is less than .5%. How come the epidemic of ADHD—which has become firmly established in the United States—has almost completely passed over children in France?

Is ADHD a biological-neurological disorder? Surprisingly, the answer to this question depends on whether you live in France or in the United States. In the United States, child psychiatrists consider ADHD to be a biological disorder with biological causes. The preferred treatment is also biological–psycho stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall.

Continue reading here: Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD | Psychology Today.