March 20, 2014General, Veteran Moral Injury – The Huffington Post I’ve posted about Moral Injury previously but here is a link to a multi-part series on the topic from The Huffington Post. […] Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweetMoreLike this:Like Loading...
March 15, 2014March 16, 2014General Addictive Behavior: Why Do We Do That? Let me start by broadly defining an addictive behavior as anything repeatedly done for a short-term benefit in spite of long-term or […] Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweetMoreLike this:Like Loading...
March 11, 2014March 11, 2014General It’s not 1960 anymore Here is part of a great article explaining why the 12 step treatment model of yesterday isn’t sufficient for some of today’s […] Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweetMoreLike this:Like Loading...
March 10, 2014General National Brain Awareness Week: 5 Ways to Improve Your Brain Health Today! – Mental Health Association in Tulsa National Brain Awareness Week: 5 Ways to Improve Your Brain Health Today! By Mental Health Association In Tulsa On March 10, 2014 […] Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweetMoreLike this:Like Loading...
March 3, 2014General Synthetic drug raid reveals scary reality – YouTube Here’s a pretty interesting video from CNN regarding synthetic drugs that are readily available in the United States. I’ve heard that use […] Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweetMoreLike this:Like Loading...
March 1, 2014March 7, 2014General, Veteran Veteran Informed Treatment: 8 Important Steps What does it mean to be veteran informed? There seems to be a growing interest in serving this population and we’ll likely […] Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweetMoreLike this:Like Loading...
February 26, 2014March 7, 2014General Why are smart kids more likely to do drugs? – The Week I’ve often suspected over the years that we have a disproportionately large number of above average intelligence people in treatment for substance […] Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweetMoreLike this:Like Loading...